The Best Apps For Bloggers

Hi loves!

Today I wanted to share a post all about helpful apps for bloggers! These are the apps I regularly use for my beauty blogging, but they are great for any genre of blogging as well. I hope you find this helpful; now let’s get started!


This app is my absolute favorite for watermarking my photos! Photo allows you to upload your own photo and add text, images, and graphics to each photo. You can easily adjust the size, font, color, tilt, opacity, and more! I use this app most often for adding my polishedbyamy watermark to my nail photos. 


This one is obvious, but I had to include it. Having the WordPress app on my phone ensure I’m about to interact with my followers in real time. I’m able to engage with their posts, reply to comments, and also jot down ideas in my drafts. This makes sit down blogging sessions way easier and quicker!


This is the best place to find easy and free images for your blog or social media platforms! Pixabay offers you thousands of royalty free images in that are amazing quality. I enjoy using these photos for marketing materials as well as blog photos!


Evernote is a super easy way to take notes on the go. This app is perfect for bloggers because you have a perfect place to jot down all of your blog post ideas when you think of them. I like to use this app to keep a bullited list of ideas and even links to posts. 


Snapseed is the next level photo editing app for bloggers. It’s free to use and provides you with an array of advanced photo editing techniques. This app is ideal for enhancing our photography or beauty work! 

That’s it for today guys! I hope you found this post helpful and learned of some cool new apps. If you have any apps you enjoy, please leave them in the comments below. Love and light! :)

XX, Amy


YouTube Channel: Polished by Amy

Instagram: @polishedbyamy


48 thoughts on “The Best Apps For Bloggers

  1. Nanna Sander

    Great recommendations – I don’t really edit my photos on my mobile, though. I take my picture with a camera, and once I’m having the images through my computer – and since they’re for the blog – I just edit them on my computer and then send those to my phone for uploading to social media sites.. I also think you have more options when editing on a computer.

    Nanna /

    Liked by 1 person

  2. exquisiteemmalisa

    Thank you SOOO much for sharing!!!! When I had my iPad I downloaded helpful apps, but now I do everything on my phone!!! My friend Abbey couldn’t believe I started my blog all on just my phone!!!! When she said it was my “calling” that encouraged me soooo much!!! As I have only just used the WordPress app – anyways! Might look at these other apps you have recommended!!!! :)


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